About Jury AVN

Jury AVN is an Adult Visual Novel created using renpy and Daz Studio. Like many Visual Novels on the market, this one is centred around making choices as the story progresses.

The story is driven by building up relationships with the other Jury members, the hotel staff and even a reporter or two! YOU make the decisions which can affect both your social life, your love life, and also your professional life as part of the Jury.

The decisions you make throughout the story will have huge (and in places severe) consequences. This isn’t your typical AVN where you are given a couple of choices which alter a few conversations later on in the game. The choices you make will help you progress with certain girls, and completely miss out on other opportunities you perhaps never knew were there.

Below is the general way an AVN is set up:

What I’ve tried to do with Jury is make the choices have MORE impact by increasing the layers horizontally AND vertically.

After seeing that scenario, take a look at how Jury AVN is set up below.

The above image is taken as a scenario from one of the decisions (There are many instances of this). We have 4 decisions, and 2 of those decisions have further decisions inside those. These are all user choices. Each of these routes will give a different conversation, a different scene entirely (Going to the lake, going to the gym, going for a swim, going to the bar for example). Each of those scenes will have ‘x’ girl there. Perhaps there will be both ‘x’ AND ‘x’ if you played a certain scene, or made a certain choice earlier in the game.

And yes, of course, variables play considerably into the sex and relationships part of the game. If you have progressed with girl ‘x’ and she has already made out with you, then the next sex scene perhaps you might get a little further. If you are still only just getting to know her, then she may only make out with you even if there was the possibility to go further if you had played the game differently.

There is full progression of relationships that can start when you become interested, not just because they are coded to just have sex in a scene. The downside to this? This does mean more rendering! If a scene only contained 3 animations (they often contain many more) I have to render 9 animations per scene, rather than just the 3.